
How Airlines Can Use Social Listening To Boost Online Reputation?

In the age of social media, where billions of conversations are happening every day, it has become crucial for businesses to monitor and analyze what is being said about them online. The average user spends at least two and a half hours on social media. Brands can use social listening, a practice that involves tracking and analyzing mentions, comments, and conversations across various social media platforms to their advantage.

Social listening goes beyond monitoring a company’s own social media accounts. It involves actively monitoring hashtags, keywords, and industry trends to gain valuable insights into customer sentiment, preferences, and pain points. By understanding what customers are saying about their brand and industry, airlines can gather actionable data to make informed business decisions and improve their online reputation.

For example, an airline’s social media campaign can use social listening to identify emerging travel destinations that customers are excited about. By tracking hashtags related to travel or specific locations, the airline can spot trends early on and tailor their marketing campaigns or flight routes accordingly.

Why Online Reputation Matters for Airlines

The online reputation of an airline helps customers have easy access to information about services, punctuality, customer service, and overall experience.  A negative review or complaint can quickly spread across social media platforms and have a significant impact on an airline’s reputation.

According to one study, 86% of consumers read reviews for local businesses before making a purchase decision. This trend extends to the travel industry as well. Potential passengers often turn to online reviews and social media for recommendations before booking their flights.

Good airline reputations are more likely to attract new customers and maintain loyalty among existing ones. Positive reviews and recommendations not only increase brand awareness but also instill confidence in potential passengers who may be hesitant to fly with an unfamiliar airline.

On the other hand, a negative online reputation can lead to decreased sales, loss of trust, and even damage to the brand’s overall image. Therefore, it is crucial for airlines to actively manage and improve their online reputation through social media and improve engagements.

4 Ways to Uplift Reputation

Here are 4 ways to enhance your reputation:

Exceptional Customer Service

One social listening strategy for airlines to boost their online reputation is by providing exceptional customer service on social media platforms. Customers often turn to social media when they have questions, complaints, or issues regarding their flights. Promptly responding to these inquiries shows that the airline values its customers’ concerns and is committed to resolving them.

For example, if a passenger tweets about a delayed flight or lost luggage, the airline’s social media team can proactively reach out to offer assistance and updates on the situation. This not only helps address the immediate issue but also demonstrates a dedication to customer satisfaction.

To effectively provide 24/7 customer service on social media, social listening for airlines helps utilize tools that allow them to monitor mentions, messages, and comments across multiple platforms in real time. These tools provide a centralized dashboard where customer service agents can respond promptly and efficiently.

Discounts and Offers on Deals

Airline social listening can identify opportunities for offering exclusive discounts or deals based on customer conversations and interests. By monitoring hashtags related to travel discounts or specific destinations, airlines can identify potential customers who are actively looking for affordable travel options.

For instance, if there is a surge in conversations around travel deals during the holiday season, an airline can launch targeted marketing campaigns or promotions offering discounted fares or additional perks for specific flights during that period. This not only attracts new customers but also encourages existing ones to book with the airline again.

Additionally, airline reputation management helps the business partner with influencers or travel bloggers who have a significant following on social media platforms. By monitoring conversations and trends in the influencer community, airlines can identify opportunities for collaborations that can further enhance their reputation and reach among potential customers.

Read Effective Ways to Measure Social Listening: A Comprehensive Guide

Analyzing and Leveraging Customer Insights

Social media strategy for airline reputation helps acquire valuable customer insights that can inform their marketing, product development, and overall business strategies. By analyzing the sentiments, preferences, and pain points expressed by customers on social media, airlines can gain a deeper understanding of what drives passenger satisfaction and loyalty.

For example, through social listening, an airline may discover that customers frequently mention the lack of vegetarian meal options during flights. Armed with this information, the airline can take steps to improve its catering services by offering a wider variety of dietary options to accommodate different passenger needs.

Furthermore, airline social listening can help companies stay ahead of industry trends and anticipate changes in customer preferences. For instance, if there is a surge in conversations around sustainable travel or eco-friendly practices, an airline can proactively implement initiatives that align with these values to boost its reputation as an environmentally conscious brand.

Responding to Negative Feedback Effectively

No matter how well an airline manages its services, negative feedback and complaints are bound to happen. However, how an airline responds to such feedback plays a crucial role in shaping its online reputation.

Through social media listening strategies for the airline industry, companies can quickly identify negative sentiments or complaints from customers and respond promptly. Airlines need to address these issues publicly while maintaining a professional tone. By acknowledging the problem, offering an apology if necessary, and demonstrating a willingness to resolve the issue, airlines can turn a negative experience into a positive one.

For example, if a passenger tweets about poor customer service during a flight delay, the airline’s social media team can publicly express regret for the inconvenience caused and assure the passenger that their concerns will be addressed. They can then take the conversation offline by providing contact details for further assistance.

By responding effectively to negative feedback, airlines can demonstrate transparency, accountability, and a commitment to customer satisfaction, ultimately enhancing their online reputation.

Also, read How Social Listening Can Prevent Crises?


How can airlines use social media?

Airlines can use social media in various ways. They can leverage these platforms for marketing and brand awareness, providing customer service and support, engaging with customers through interactive campaigns, and monitoring conversations for valuable insights into customer preferences and trends.

How can social listening improve the customer experience?

Social listening allows airlines to understand customer sentiment, pain points, and preferences. By analyzing this data, airlines can make informed decisions about improving their services to better meet customer expectations.

In what ways can social listening help companies?

Social listening helps companies by providing real-time insights into customer sentiment and preferences. It enables them to identify emerging trends, track brand reputation, monitor competitors’ activities, handle crises promptly, and engage with customers effectively.

Which social listening tools are recommended for airlines?

Some popular social listening tools recommended for airlines include Sprout Social, Hootsuite, Brandwatch, Mention, and Talkwalker. These tools provide features like real-time monitoring of mentions across multiple platforms, sentiment analysis, competitive analysis, influencer identification, and customizable reports.


In today’s digital landscape, where online reputation plays a vital role in attracting customers and maintaining loyalty, airlines cannot afford to ignore social listening. By actively monitoring conversations on social media platforms and analyzing customer insights gained from these interactions, airlines can proactively manage their online reputation.

Get in touch with the experts at Konnect Insights to learn more.

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