Top 13 Automation Trends to Watch in 2023

Top 13 Automation Trends to Watch in 2023

Automation combines analytics, machine learning, deep learning, and natural language processing in addition to all of these technologies. Current industry leaders utilize these techniques to develop a few of the most modern solutions available.

Businesses are constantly seeking options that will make them more productive and cost-effective as the future of employment rapidly evolves. Automation has become an essential element of this process as corporations see its benefits for simplifying monotonous human activities such as payment administration and data entry.

According to Gartner, automation technologies might account for 70% of all office operations in 2023. Let’s examine in greater detail what to be expecting in terms of automation trend advancement by 2025.

1. Usage of Generative AI in the mainstream.

Generative AI is fundamentally built on AI algorithmic and machine learning approaches that train using preexisting information like text, audio recordings, and photos to generate entirely fresh and unique content. As a result, Generative AI has the potential to create software applications, process images, aid in medication research, and accelerate organizational growth and advancement. Even many social listening tools are incorporating AI and ML to serve their customers better. 

2. Automation is being used by DataOps employees to set the path for massive changes.

Data is indeed the backbone of digital services, and businesses are dealing with an increasing amount of data each year. According to Gartner, businesses will face a digital barrier in 2025 when the amount of information ultimately overpowers the capacity of traditional computational power; however, many are not eager to see what happens.

As a result, Forward-thinking DataOps groups are combining data platforms with automating information management throughout diverse settings to allow AI technology, machine learning, natural language processing, as well as other cutting-edge, compute-intensive solutions.

3. Developing digital skills is becoming a necessity for both HR and IT administration.

As automation changes the labor structure, organizations must adapt as well, needing new jobs, skills, and a fresh approach. Organizations must change infrastructure, operations, and business culture to reap the benefits of automation.

HR and IT should collaborate to recruit, train, and prepare workers to perform in the new environment, focusing less on transactional or boring tasks and more on reaping the benefits of automation. How can the administration bridge the rising skills gap and enable teams to perform better? with the assistance of the proper automation platform.

4. The importance of low-code/no-code platforms is growing.

Because of low-code and no-code solutions, businesses are finding it easier than ever to integrate automation technology into their processes. What used to take weeks of programming is now accomplished in hours thanks to these technologies, making them a great asset for firms that don’t always have teams of people on hand to help with building automation. Low-code and no-code platforms are essential whenever agility and speed are required.

Such systems simplify it for users to use applications, streamline operations, and upgrade operations on-demand by reducing the need for code. Simply put, low-code and no-code systems empower people without requiring considerable programming skills or extensive technical expertise.

5. Automation is becoming more popular across all businesses.

Automation is not anymore restricted to a particular IT or engineering department; according to research, nowadays, it impacts more sections of an organization than it ever did. The percentage of companies piloting solutions to automate at least one business activity increased from 57% in 2016 to 66% in 2020, according to a global poll of business leaders from a wide cross-section of sectors conducted by McKinsey & Co. Islightlylittle more modest increase from 29% in 2018 to 31% in 2020 in the percentage of businesses that have fully automated at least one function.

The number of companies automating at least seven units is growing at the fastest rate. If this rate of expansion continues, more than a third of enterprises will belong to the top tier by the first couple of months of 2023.

6. Constant testing will govern DevOps CI/CD automation.

DevOps is required for almost all organizations because it enables iterative development and the production of high-quality applications for clients. Testing is necessary for DevOps CI/CD, so IA technologies will be applied to perform continuous unit testing of the program in every phase of development. Constant test automation boosts the developed application’s quality and resolves all issues before its immediate deployment.

7. Automation implementation is being driven by manpower shortages and inflation.

Firms will keep searching for ways to automate their operations and increase performance, and it is predicted that an increasing number of businesses will employ RPA solutions. Automation can assist firms in dealing with a variety of financial hardships, including skills shortages and inflation. Companies are under pressure to explore new ways to minimize expenses while attracting and retaining top talent in today’s competitive labor market and rising inflation.

Automation can help by enhancing the efficiency of present staff, providing a much more appealing workplace environment, and lowering the need for additional employees. Furthermore, automation may help firms reduce costs and improve procedures, allowing them to remain strong in an inflationary economy. According to studies, many CEOs are conscious of this fact and actively plan to employ automation to address these financial hardships.

8. Setting up an RPA Excellence Center to integrate humans, methods, and technologies.

Creating an efficient governance system at the early automation stage will apply best practices, establish departmental engagement and involvement, and foster knowledge sharing for every phase of RPA adoption. An RPA Center of Excellence is primarily an opportunity for your organization to grow the automation project and boost operational effectiveness. RPA is an important tool for continuous improvement, but it is not a one-size-fits-all solution. It takes a great deal of hands-on effort and capital to achieve.

In terms of automation implementation, there has been significant growth in the implementation and usage of RPA CoEs. This suggests that enterprises take automated business processes very seriously and establish the organizational structure required to achieve their objectives.

The fields of robotic process automation (RPA) and intelligent automation (IA) had a lot of interesting developments in 2022. Indeed, analysts forecast that the RPA market will expand to $20.1, and our results largely reflect these projections by 2030.

Only 30% of businesses in 2021 were making active investments in IA and RPA, but 64% indicated they had already made investments in intelligent automation, and 42% said they were making investments in RPA right now. Further, 35% stated they aimed to implement intelligent automation by 2023, and 54% said they intended to invest in RPA during that time.

9. SMBs are increasingly using automation.

The widespread use of intelligent automation is crucial for the future of businesses. It promises higher efficiency, cost reductions, and enhanced customer satisfaction for small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs). The learning curve for these kinds of technologies can be difficult for most SMBs. However, the long-term returns could be substantial.

Automation technologies aren’t any more out of grasp for small and medium-sized businesses, and numerous companies are enjoying immediate benefits after they shift to them. The potential of automation and artificial intelligence is enabling unprecedented levels of speed and scale in digital operations, as well as new degrees of control over operational processes. This frees up SMBs’ time to concentrate on their core businesses and company growth instead of squandering it on administrative work.

10. There are fewer human touchpoints throughout supply systems.

The retail sector is constantly looking for innovative ways to strengthen distribution networks in the face of market interruptions such as the coronavirus epidemic. In addition, the adoption of automation is growing since automated systems are much more adaptive, dependable, economical, and flexible.

Companies within the retail sector are now automating around 6 times more procedures than they were a year ago. One of these operations, returns, and refunds, showed the largest growth in automated use last year, at 335%.

11. NLP technologies and conversational AI are becoming more popular.

Intelligent automation concentrates on a wide range of solutions, with automated robotic procedures at the forefront. Intelligent automation leaders are anticipated to broaden their IA application span to encompass NLP and conversational AI solutions. The advantages of NLP and conversational AI are bringing up a broad range of possibilities.

12. The increasing influence of augmented intelligence.

The use of augmented intelligence is projected to increase in the upcoming months. It entails machines and humans collaborating to increase cognitive performance. Systems that use augmented intelligence may efficiently collect both structured and unstructured information.

13. Process evaluation and innovation for sustainable automation.

Businesses are using and expanding intelligent automation to better manage people and operations. Structures for process evaluation and identification provide actionable information for making informed decisions, prioritizing procedures, and automating the production flow. Sustainably implementing automation would ultimately promote improved effectiveness and growth.


In general, 2023 is likely to bring more unpredictability as new technologies are implemented. One difficulty with digitalization, which would be necessary for progress, is that it is inherently complex, and automation does not offer a ready-made option. Other variables must be evaluated as well. The aforementioned expected trends can give enterprises the resources they need to minimize disruptions while improving capability.

At the end of the day, humans are what drive organizations. It’s not necessary to automate everything. Adopting a structure that allows for the convergence of the individual, sophisticated hyper-automation, and low-code as well as the support of citizen development would enable transformation and promote the future’s growth.

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