Genesys – Konnect Insights Integration
Konnect Insights integration with Genesys cloud helps you to route social media tickets to Genesys flows. Automation can be created in Konnect Insights based on various parameters like social platforms, media types, sentiment, classification, keywords and more. Based on these automation, the conversations are automatically sent to various flows created in Genesys. From the various attributes of the ticket, the conversations can be queued to different agents in Genesys. Once the agents accept and start working on the ticket, they can reply to it or take various social or crm actions on those tickets within Genesys cloud.
You can now achieve the following through this integration :
Route tickets from Konnect Insights to Genesys cloud
Routing of the tickets can be done basis on conditions like keywords, sentiment, followers, ticket status, classifications and more
Send tickets to various flows of Genesys
Assign conversations to queues of various agents’ basis on attributes of tickets like sentiment, influencer level, keywords
View Konnect Insights tickets and its conversation history within Genesys cloud
Take various actions on tickets like Reply, Classification, Sentiment, Status and more
View and manage contact details of ticket owners and add ticket notes, user notes, view user analytics within Genesys interface
Integration in Genesys:
Step 1: Once the integration is available to you, you will be presented with the installation screen as below
Step 3: Below are the steps that will be carried out in your instance during installation:
- Roles of admin and agent will be created to provide permissions to the app. (Admin Permission: Architect Flow View, Conversation Email Create/View, Users Details View, organization Admin. Agent Permission: Premium Client Application.)
- A group will be created to provide access to the widget to access the app instances.
- An interaction widget will be created within the Genesys instance. When tickets are assigned to an agent and he clicks on it, this widget needs to be clicked to show the Konnect Insights platform inside an iframe in which the ticket details will be shown.
- An oAuth client will be created having client id and client secret. Using these credentials, API communication will be established between Konnect Insights and Genesys cloud for transfer of the data.
On click of install, the above steps will be executed in your Genesys instance. After installation, you will be shown a summary of the steps executed.
On this page, you will be provided with a Client Id and Client Secret. You need to copy this and store it since it will be needed during the integration in Konnect Insights. After this, click on next and you will be taken to the overview page of Konnect Insights. The integration part in Genesys cloud is finished now.
Optional – If you were not able to capture the client id and client secret in the above screen, you can still retrieve them from the below steps :
- In your Genesys cloud, on the top menu click on Admin, under that click on oAuth
- From the App Names, select “KonnectInsights_CLIENT_APP”
- Scroll below and you will find Client Id and Client Secret. You can copy these from here
Integration in Konnect Insights:
After logging into Konnect Insights, go to the Settings page and click on the All Apps sections. Here you can see various integrations available with Konnect Insights. Search for Genesys and click on Connect. A popup will open asking you for below details:
- Region – Here you must select the region where your Genesys cloud instance has been hosted. Make sure to select the correct region where your cloud instance has been hosted, as selecting an incorrect region will not allow the integration to be done since the credentials will not be found on those instances
- Client Id – Here you must enter the client id which you had copied from Genesys installation page
- Client Secret – Here you must enter the client secret which you had copied from Genesys installation page
After entering the above details click on Submit. Your integration is done successfully.
Adding Users for Single Sign On in Konnect Insights -
For the users to view Konnect Insights tickets within Genesys, the users need to be created in Konnect Insights as well. Using Single Sign On, the users of Genesys will be signed into Konnect Insights as well and they can view tickets and take actions on it.
In Konnect Insights, go to the Settings page and click on Integrated Apps. Here you will see your Genesys app integration. Click on its gear icon and select More Settings. Here you can see all your users from the Genesys instance. To select any user whom you want to add to Konnect Insights, tick the Add User checkbox against that user. On the bottom left of the page, you can select the role you want to assign to that user (You can assign any predefined roles of Konnect Insights or you can specifically create a custom role for your agent to only have specific rights to do certain actions on the page. To create custom roles, visit the Role Settings page). Besides the Save button, you can also see the numbers of users you can add to your account. Click on Save, the user will get added to your account.
If you accidentally delete any user from Konnect Insights who was added from Genesys, you get the option to Reactivate that user from the More Settings page.
If you have added a new user in Genesys and that user is not visible in the More Settings page, you can click on the Sync button on the top right-hand side to sync the users between the systems.
Here you can enter the organization name, then select the profiles of which you want the tickets to be sent. Then you may select any specific media types of which the tickets are to be sent. There are options to add more conditions based on keywords, sentiment, followers, ticket status, classifications and others. Then select the Flow to which these conversations are to be sent to and click on Add Rule. The rule will get created and any conversations which are matching the conditions will immediately start getting sent to the selected flow in Genesys.
If you want the conversations to pause from being sent for a specific duration, there is an option to pause the rule. In the automation list on the bottom of the page, you can see all the automations which have been created. You can click on its gear icon and click on Pause and the conversations will stop getting sent. You can click on the gear icon and click Activate to start the rule and the conversations flow.
View and Action Tickets within Genesys -
When any new ticket is assigned to email flow in Genesys, it shows to the agents in their interactions. Once they answer it, it comes under their conversations.
On click of the ticket, they have to click on the interaction widget in the top right of the page named “KonnectInsights_Ticket”. This will show the complete ticket details within the widget.
This page is the Konnect Insights ticket page where you can view the ticket details as well as the contact details and take actions on the ticket like Reply, Change Sentiment, Classify, Change Status and others. Once the actions on the ticket are finished, the ticket must be closed in Konnect Insights and the conversation must be disconnected in Genesys. Accordingly, basis on the queue size new conversations will keep getting assigned to the agent.
If there are any new conversations which come under the existing ticket on which you are working, an alert shows up on the top right side of the page showing the number of new messages that have come up on the ticket. On click of show latest, they will be populated within the page and you can take actions according to those.
On click of Reply / Comment on the ticket, a modal opens below the ticket from where you can send a reply. There are options available in it like selecting a canned response, attaching media/docs to the response, adding GIFs or emojis, link shorteners or even suggesting a response from the AI. After the actions on the ticket are done, you may close the ticket.